Bridges & Blinking Lights

Great music towns don't have much else going on. I say this having never been to any other great music towns except Denton. Denton is boring as hell. It makes sense. There is no other way to explain how so many great bands seem to spring to to life there fully formed, like they've been together for decades. What else is there to do but drink and play music? I don't know much of Bridges & Blinking Lights. The first I heard of them was the track "Halfway Home" on Pyramid Scheme's excellent Long Con Vol. 1 compilation. That song begins with muffled drums and toy guitars and explodes a few moments in. The melody almost seems like something that should by sung by hillbillies with jugs, not college boys with guitars. Dissonant by it's very nature, not in keeping with some aesthetic. It sounds live, spontaneous... even though it's not. What's that line in Airheads about only needing write to one classic song in your lifetime to live forever? "Your Brain and Your Heart" reminds me of something from years ago but I can't really place it. It reminds me of the first time I heard certain bands. Not that it sounds anything like them (although the opening bassline instantly takes me back to high school for some reason... I dunno... The Breeders maybe?) but it reminds me of the excitement of hearing them. That Christmasy feeling when you first hear a band that connects with you on some emotional/bio-chemical/whatever level. I really need to get their cds and see them play.
Halfway Home [MP3, 6.3MB, 128 kbps]
Your Brain and Your Heart [MP3, 5.2MB, 192 kbps]
Strings [MP3, 7.9MB, 192 kbps]
On the Wall (live) [MP3, 2.9MB, 128 kbps]
-Bridges & Blinking Lights-
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