Criterion Collection Holiday 2004 Gift Set... DRRROOOOLL....

So Amazon is selling a package of every Criterion dvd released ever so far for five thousand dollars (except the out of print titles, of course). 282 of the finest films ever made (blah blah blah) and a good reason to never leave the house again. Even though the $4999.00 is marked down from the "list price" of 7500.00, it still seems high. You could probably spend less just buying them all off ebay or online stores. After all, it seems like the only people who really sell Criterion dvds for list price anymore are brick and mortars. Deep Discount DVD has what basically amounts to a "half off criterions" sale every few months. I'm guessing the main goal of an extravagant offering like this is just to draw attention to Criterion in Amazon shoppers' minds this holiday season. This is only for rich people/schools/libraries/etc.
Still, it sure would be nice to get that box in the mail.